
'Underwater Photographer of the Year 2015' award for Nuno Sá

seahorseThanks to Nuno Sá’s photograph, Portugal was represented in first place in the annual Underwater Photographer of the Year contest this year. His picture has the added bonus of highlighting both the Algarve’s Ria Formosa as a natural haven and the also dangers facing the seahorse worldwide.

The photograph, '50 Tons of Me' depicts a Ria Formosa seahorse from the pioneering project involving the University of the Algarve called 'Project Seahorse' which breeds the creatures in captivity for later release.

The picture that earned Nuno Sá  the coveted title hopes to draw attention to the worldwide killing of these animals for decorative purposes and for use in traditional oriental medicine.

Nuno Sá commented, “The Natural reserve of Ria Formosa is home to the world’s largest population of the two species of seahorses found in the Mediterranean and Atlantic seas.

"The local university together with Project Seahorse has registered an 85% decline in seahorse populations between 2001 and 2009.

"I spent ten days diving in this natural reserve for National Geographic Portugal, following a pioneering project between the University of Algarve with Project Seahorse that has been breeding seahorses in captivity.

"The goal is to reduce the demand for wild seahorses and also re-populate areas where seahorse populations have been reduced or have become extinct by fishing.

"Over 50 tons of seahorses are captures every year for ornamental purposes and used in traditional oriental medicine.

"To light this photo, I had the unusual accessories of two scientists, who were holding my strobes, one strobe behind and one over the seahorse.”

The judge Matin Edge commented,

“In the opinion of the judges, the best in show! The composition is simple but so effective. What attracts me to this particular image is the understated quality of light and shade made possible by the subtle use of flash. It's though it is lit from within. It's a fine example of what I refer to as delicate post processing.

Three judges, Alex Mustard, Martin Edge and Peter Rowlands had the pleasure of going through 2,500 entries from 40 countries to select the award winners.

“It was highly enjoyable, but something we took very seriously. Every judge saw every picture multiple times, I think we probably know some of the images better than the photographers who took them,” said Alex Mustard, chair of the judging panel and the driving force behind 'Underwater Photographer of the Year.

“The quantity and particularly the quality of the images entered left us all astounded. It was a privilege to be part of something so special. Heart-warming to see the competitions so enthusiastically embraced by the community, heartbreaking at times when we just couldn’t squeeze some truly amazing images into the winners' circle.”


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