
Low score for Lisbon’s quality of life

lisbon2The annual Quality of Living Index which has just been published includes seven European cities in the top ten, with Vienna stealing the show for the very best.

According to the new report, Vienna offers its residents the best quality of life in the world. Zurich was awarded second place.

The consulting firm Mercer evaluates local living conditions in more than 440 cities it surveys worldwide.

Germany felt no need to blush as three of its cities were in the top group – Munich (4th), Dusseldorf (6th) and Frankfurt (7th).

Lisbon, at number 41 and the only Portuguese city considered, was just one notch below London but well ahead of Madrid (51st). The only other Spanish city under consideration was Barcelona (38th).

These cities appear to have had low scores for some of the 39 factors tested in such categories as political stability, crime and law enforcement; banking services; media and personal freedom; medical services; air pollution; education; public transport; housing and the like.

According to Mercer, European cities scored very highly because they were "very consistent, secure and are high quality locations. European cities have good hospitals, schools. They are secure and they have good transport links - all the stuff that is important for business."





Auckland, NZ






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