
Another strike at Germany’s Lufthansa

lufthansaLufthansa pilots are in the middle of another two-day strike.

It is the second time this year that the pilots have refused to work and the twelfth in a row over the last two years.

As a result, some 750 flights were cancelled on Wednesday, just over half of those which had been scheduled. Most cancellations were for short- and medium-haul destinations.

Thursday’s action will target long-haul as well as cargo flights.

The industrial action is over disagreement about early retirement benefits and Lufthansa’s plans to expand its low-cost flight options.

Lufthansa plans to reduce its costs and to increase budget operations but pilots have resisted efforts to renegotiate different conditions for collective labour agreements. Management holds that it can only grow if employees agree to concessions.

"Instead of working on a sustainable solution for the future, VC (the pilots’ union Vereiningung Cockpit) is hurting our customers across the globe," Lufthansa said late on Tuesday after the second strike was called.

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