
Algarve - number one bargain break for Brits

albufeirabeachThe Algarve is the cheapest destination for last minute holidaymakers with the fall in the euro against the pound adding to the appeal for the British.

Tenerife, Cyprus and the Algarve are considered the top three European hot spots this Easter with the Algarve ranking as the cheapest beach destination for a family holiday.

The Algarve’s hoteliers confidently expect a minimum growth of 5% on last year and the president of the regional hoteliers association said today that the original prediction was for an increase in numbers of 2.8% over 2014, but with the depreciation of the euro against the pound this has been upgraded to 5% or more.

The cost of meals, drinks and ice cream has fallen 20% and a meal with drinks will cost a family of four just over €40, down nearly €10 on last year.

The latest report from Post Office Travel Money shows the Algarve ahead of the Spanish Costas for lowest prices.

Easter is the start of the official season and the Algarve’s largest industry is expecting a rise in numbers from tourists within Portugal and from neighbouring Spain with prices now lower in Portugal in than along Spain's southern coast.
According to the president of the Algarve Tourism Board, Desidério Silva, this year the "indicators are already positive because there are many hotels that have bookings 7% to 10% higher than last year for summer holidays and for breaks before the summer starts.”

Silva is more cautious when predicting big Easter rises but recognises that the current trend is to book late so all may indeed lead to the bumper year the hotel sector is banking on.

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