
Facebook wants its drones in the air

facebookThe social media company says that it has conducted its first test flight over the UK by a drone powered by solar.

The unmanned drone is designed to carry internet signals in the sky and beam them by laser down to people.

Facebook has called the effort Internet.org and aims to get the entire world online. Facebook says this will bring the ability to go online to remote locations which have been previously inaccessible.

"Today, I'm excited to share that we've successfully completed our first test flight of these aircraft in the UK," said the company's leader Mark Zuckerberg.

The aircraft is able to fly at 60,000 feet for months at a time. They were developed by Ascenta, a company in Somerset, which Facebook bought in March 2014.

Facebook claims it has 1.3 billion users. The company seems keen on acquiring more. Its chief technology officer told a conference recently: "we need to connect all those on the internet who aren't yet connected."

Not to be left in the dust, Google's Project Loon is also trying to create internet connections from the air by deploying high-altitude weather balloons.

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