
Criminals send fraudulent email ‘invoices’

fibreopticAnother computer hacking scam has been exposed.

Criminals are sending emails with an ‘invoice’ attached which really is malware designed to access personal information such as banking and financial details.

Security experts say these can even appear to come from trusted sources. Fraudsters often try to copy the email address of a legitimate supplier, colleague or friend to make the invoice appear genuine.

Financial Fraud Action UK says the email’s malicious software infects computers and is being used primarily to access online banking data.

Once obtained, the information is then sent to criminals who then attempt to steal money from the accounts.

The organisation says people should be suspicious of unexpected invoices or unusual payment requests.

If people have concerns, they should not open the invoice or enable anything on it. People should also not reply to the email but telephone the supplier directly to verify authenticity.

The latest anti-virus and security updates are important to have installed with strong firewalls to help detect malware.


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