
'The Portuguese understand that sacrifices were needed'

poiresmaduroMinister Miguel Poiares Maduro is convinced that the Portuguese will recognise the merit of the work done by the current Government when it comes to election time.

The Minister for Regional Development today also said in an interview with Lusa that come the elections "there is a clear choice between two models of economic and social development."

The choice is divided between one model that "even when it allowed the country to grow, the country became rooted in domestic demand and indebtedness and therefore generated external imbalances that led us to ask three times for international financial aid," said the minister, referring to the previous socialist regime.

The other model "is the one that we have been creating, based on an economy that is internationally competitive and thus provides the conditions so that we can grow sustainably," added Maduro.

“This different way of exercising political power and this different way of governing I think is something that the Portuguese will also recognise and therefore, as there is such a clear choice between the two models, I am confident in the decision that the Portuguese will take when they recognise the merit of those who ruled during a very difficult time for the country," said the minister.

Asked if the Portuguese understood the reasons for the austerity programme, Maduro acknowledged that "it is always difficult for people to accept such high sacrifices."

However, "I think, in general, the Portuguese understood that these sacrifices were necessary."

"We not only got out of the most serious crisis we have had in our democratic history, we are now beginning to recover economically and that makes sense of these sacrifices and I think this will help the Portuguese understand the needs and the measures we had to take."

"If the Portuguese had not had patience and had not recognised the need for this adjustment programme, the country would never have been able to regain international confidence which is essential for us at this economic turning point."

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