
Spain faces hung parliament

madridAs Britain awaits news of the voters’ choices in the most uncertain vote in a generation, Spain is closely watching the opinion polls for its most questionable election in some 40 years.

The governing People’s Party (PP) so far could garner the most votes, despite the scandals unraveling around it, according to the latest survey. The socialists could pose a close second.

If voting had been held yesterday, the PP would win 25.6% and the Socialist Party 24.3%.

Newcomer Podemos would gain 16.5%, a drop from greater support shown in January. Ciudadanos, the other, smaller force would capture 13.8% which is a 3% jump from January.

Analysts believe the results show that most likely outcome will be a hung parliament. Spain, like the UK, has little experience of political alliances at national level.

The survey results indicate that at least two parties, and possible three, would be needed to form a stable government.

At this juncture, none of the four parties appears able to gain sufficient votes for overall governance.

Spain will hold national elections in December. Regional elections, however, are due later this month in 13 of the 17 autonomous regions.

Ciudadanos has so far had strong support in Valencia and Madrid. The People’s Party has ruled these areas for twenty years, but if it loses here, it could well affect how people vote in the general election.

Elections in Andalusia, long a socialist stronghold, were held in March. The Socialists received just over 35%, making it one of the worst elections in the party’s history there. The People’s Party won 27% while Podemos gained 15% and Ciudadanos 9%.

Socialist Susana Diaz won but has so far failed to form a government.

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