
EU wants fair deal with newly-elected Cameron

eumapThe president of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker, is reported to have said that he wants “a fair deal with Britain” and “stands ready to work constructively with the new government” of the UK.

“The Commission will examine in a polite, friendly and objective way any proposals, ideas or requests that the UK may put forward," he added.


He could not miss the chance to reiterate that the four basic freedoms at the heart of the EU, including free movement of citizens, were not negotiable.

A spokesperson for the Commission pointed out that while free movement could not be restricted, abuses should not be acceptable.

EU courts had backed national governments which have restricted access to welfare benefits for citizens of other EU states, he said.

David Cameron has come in on a platform of seeking reform of the EU and holding a national referendum of UK membership by 2017.

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