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New fines for 'farmers market' traders capped at €25,000

fruitSelling agricultural products or local crafts without a license will leave the vendor open to fines of between €500 and €25,000.

The rules and regulations for markets were published today by the government and contain a clause that allows fines to be issued by the local council, rather than as a result of any judicial process.

The law has been published in the official government Gazette listing fines for sole traders of between €500 and €3,700 and for companies from €2,500 to a whopping €25,000.

If the fine remains unpaid, the state's coercive collection process can be wheeled into action with houses and vehicles seized and no recourse under the law unless the person fined pays up and complains later.

If someone is selling products that have been made from produce that is not deemed to be local, fines can be issued or bans on trading handed out.

How the local council now has become judge, jury and executioner is not explained in the decree law.

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-10 #6 Tyler 2015-05-22 12:52
Orwell, I couldn't agree more with you!

"...Correct honest citizens I have concluded only have obligations, no rights (forget the rights)! It is all about lets pretend this is a democracy, lets pretend there is justice, lets pretend this is a country! ..." @ http://fullforcespeaker.blogspot.pt/
-10 #5 Tyler 2015-05-22 12:46
Simon, what The People - the outsiders - can do?

btw, food for thought:
"In his new book, Stealth of Nations: The Global Rise of the Informal Economy, Neuwirth points out that small, illegal, off-the-books businesses collectively account for trillions of dollars in commerce and employ fully half the world’s workers." @ http://www.wired.com/2011/12/mf_neuwirth_qa/
-10 #4 Tyler 2015-05-22 12:41
My view:
Absolutely insane the over-dose of regulations, unfair taxes, and so on..... but, No Wonder! the insiders are desperate for "revenues"..... and they will do their best to enslave the outsiders* - the silent holocaust. Foot voting is an option for outsiders. Actually, Portugal is all screwed up b/c of CORRUPTION** in a legal and or moral sense.

Debt Figures + Horrifying Demography = POORtugal, a colony, destiny.

* "The outsiders, ..., are those with no one to speak up for them. They have no stake in the political process and are thus on the outside. They are the self-employed small business person, the contract worker, the immigrant, the unemployed and, of course, the young." @ http://www.davidmcwilliams.ie/2015/03/30/why-are-we-sacrificing-greece-for-the-insiders

** https://pt-br.facebook.com/madespesapublica
-5 #3 Simon 2015-05-22 10:44
Time for a citizen's review of ALL the red tape and bureaucracy in Portugal, getting rid of items that just raise tax or impede daily lives and making the rules that stay easier to follow. This State is out of control!!
+1 #2 mm 2015-05-22 07:36
is there anything you can do in portugal that does not need a licence???

used to be said in communist russia that people spent half their working life in line for food, here in portugal people spend half their working life in line for licences and bits of paper

portugal has no idea to help biz just stop it
+1 #1 Orwell 2015-05-22 00:49
This is sick!!!
It gets more twisted and evil each day in Portugal.
Some old lady's selling a few carrots from there back garden to pay there Rip off heating and water bills!

Now there criminals!

Who is making these absurd laws?

Putting huge unpayable fines on people, and then nicking your home, land, car because you can't pay such huge fines!

Who the hell is this so called camarra?!
these people are operating like the nazis. Now they have been given powers also to act against the people as judge jury executioner, to ruin the lives of mostly poor innocent people, while the managers And executives of these municipal circus acts operate graft, cronyism, and taking backhanders and kickbacks from friends and relatives for dishing out to them contracts worth millions!

Portugals camarras are breeding ground hot spots for corruption!

We are getting out of this damn place asap!

Portugal gas become a totalitarian nightmare.


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