
New fines for 'farmers market' traders capped at €25,000

fruitSelling agricultural products or local crafts without a license will leave the vendor open to fines of between €500 and €25,000.

The rules and regulations for markets were published today by the government and contain a clause that allows fines to be issued by the local council, rather than as a result of any judicial process.

The law has been published in the official government Gazette listing fines for sole traders of between €500 and €3,700 and for companies from €2,500 to a whopping €25,000.

If the fine remains unpaid, the state's coercive collection process can be wheeled into action with houses and vehicles seized and no recourse under the law unless the person fined pays up and complains later.

If someone is selling products that have been made from produce that is not deemed to be local, fines can be issued or bans on trading handed out.

How the local council now has become judge, jury and executioner is not explained in the decree law.

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