
Stop work at Dona Ana beach, says Portugal's communist party

donaanaPortugal’s communist party has weighed into the Dona Ana beach controversy, demanding that the Lagos beach remains much as it is and that the current destruction should be halted right away.

In April, Portuguese Environment Agency contractors started to 'remodel' the famous beach, recognised as one of the finest in the world, to "ensure the safety of persons and property."

Not satisfied with the flimsy government excuse, and well aware of the support from the many protestors in the Algarve and beyond, the communists now have presented to parliament a draft resolution against what many see as the desecration of Dona Ana beach in Lagos.

The resolution demands an immediate suspension to the work at the beach and the use of the current budget used to consolidate the cliffs and protect the area’s natural beauty, as well sorting out the sewage problem at the beach whcih has not been addressed by the minister in charge.
"Dona Ana beach has not received the attention and duty of care owed to it by the authorities” say the communists adding that there are buildings on top of the cliffs that are within the public maritime domain (which should be removed), there is serious rain water erosion on the cliffs that has not been dealt with, there are sewage discharges onto the beach and the beach access using a temporary wooden staircase simply is not good enough.

The Portuguese Environment Agency's current project includes filling the beach erea with sand dredged from the sea to raise the beach level by about four meters and extend the beach by 40 metres.


According to the Communists, this work shows the indifference of the Environment Agency to the environment, which long has been a charge levelled at Environment Minister Jorge Moreia da Silva whose 'slash and burn' policies include backing his abortive attempt to rid the Ria Formosa islands of property and inhabitants to make way for posh tourist developments.

The minister’s clear alliance with business interests marks him out as unfit to occupy his current post as he has proved unable to separate his current role to one of increasing tourism revenue at the expense of the environment.

The communists continued by stating "This work not only does not respec the area, it clearly contravenes the protection of our natural heritage and in no way is to do with the safety of people and property which could simply have been done by scraping away the dangerous parts of the cliff and protecting them from erosion, particularly erosion caused by rainwater.”

If the work is not stopped immediately, "the destruction of this ancient and beautiful maritime landscape will have serious consequences for the international status of Dona Ana beach, irreversibly damaging its current position of one of the most beautiful beaches in the world."

The communists say that the €1.8 million allocated to the current work should be directed to "the rehabilitation of the cliffs and surrounding area and enhancement of natural resources."

Many vociferous locals and environmental organisations agree.

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