
Most expensive city for expats - Luanda

luandaAngola’s capital city, Luanda, remains the most expensive city in the world for expats.

The league table of the priciest places to live was reported in Mercer’s Cost of Living Survey which considers what more than 200 items cost, such as housing, transport, food clothing, household goods and entertainment in 207 cities around the globe.

Oil-rich Angola, a former Portuguese colony, lies on the southwest coast of Africa. Despite Luanda being recognized as a relatively inexpensive city, the cost of imported goods and the need for good security for safe living conditions come at a steep price.

Luanda has held the title for three years in a row. Lisbon, on the other hand, was not even in the top 25.

Hong Kong jumped into second place, followed by Zurich, Singapore and Geneva.

Other cities rounding out the top ten were Shanghai (6), Beijing (7), and Seoul (8) in Asia. Switzerland stepped in again to provide number 9, namely Bern, with Chad’s N’Djamena (10).

China’s currency, the yuan, grew in strength last year, making the cost of living in its cities rise. China now has nine cities in the top 30, compared to four last year.

Switzerland, never cheap, also experienced a surge of the Swiss franc against the euro.

London remained in its 12th position, well above Paris (46), Rome (59), Frankfurt (98) and Berlin (106).

Lower oil prices, the fall of the value of Russia’s ruble, and political tensions drove down prices in Moscow (50) and St Petersburg (152).

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