
Germany’s Autobahn toll challenged by Europe

bmwGermany, which was on course to introduce a controversial road toll, has postponed its implementation after the European Commission challenged it with legal action.

According to the Commission, the toll would discriminate against foreign drivers. The scheme would charge everyone an annual fee of up to €130 to use the Autobahn network and other major highways.

But residents of Germany would get back €74 through a reduction in vehicle tax.

Berlin said the toll could raise €500 million every year which could be used on road infrastructure.

The Commission has sent a warning to Germany, saying the plan “burdens EU-foreigners more than German users”. Even through foreigners could purchase cheaper tickets for short-term road travel, the Commission said the price was still “disproportionally high”.

The Commission’s warning could result in a court case. The Commission said it had previously challenged Austria and Slovenia over similar toll schemes which were revised to avoid discrimination.

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