
Portuguese holidaymakers to flood the Algarve

albufeirabeachA survey, yes another one, into the holiday plans of the Portuguese this summer reveals that 52% will take a vacation from June to September with just over half of these staying somewhere other than at home.

The Institute of Planning and Tourism Development which released its survey results today, said that of the respondents who intended to take a break this summer, 53% intend to travel outside of their home area with 47% planning to stay at home.

Last year, 50% of respondents were planning on a break with 67% leaving home for some fun and excitement.

The reasons for Portugal’s high number of staycations this year were: 29% ‘can’t afford it’, 28% ‘working through the summer’ and 26.9% were retired anyway and were ‘not planning a trip.’ The remainder said they do not have holidays.

As for the respondents who planned to travel outside of their home area, 75% opted for destinations within Portugal, with the Algarve drawing 35%.

As for the type of accommodation, most are planning to rent (25%) with nearly as many staying with unfortunate family or friends (24%). Just 18% are booking four or five-star hotels which leaves 33% undecided or camping.

The study was based on 500 telephone interviews conducted in May which, if statistically valid at all, has given the press a rather complicated ‘good news’ story as the summer begins in earnest.

So, there we have it. Another survey in a country overwhelmed by statistics.

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