
GNR fines campers in the south-western Algarve

caravansunsetThe GNR concentrated its search for campers and motorcaranvanners along the southwest Alentejo and Algarve sections of the Costa Vincentina Natural Park last weekend and issued 22 fines to those not spending the night in designated camping or parking zones.

"The GNR embarked on enforcement actions at several southwestern Algarve beaches which lasted all morning."

"Since summer’s arrival it is expected that the flow of people into the region will increase and the Territorial Command of Faro GNR will remain attentive to this issue, increasing awareness-raising actions and controls,” reads the GNR statement.

"It is prohibited to stay overnight in these natural areas which have characteristics that need to be safeguarded and valued. Caravanning and camping are activities that harm the area especially by those leaving rubbish which serves to degrade the area."

Motorcaravan groups still are waiting for the Algarve-wide, cohesive, welcome and fit-for-purpose strategy from the region's councils which has been in discussion for so long now that many assume it never will be launched. 

After years of discussion, January 21st 2015 saw the Commission for Coordination and Regional Development of the Algarve, the Intermunicipal Community of Algarve, the Algarve Tourism Board and the Algarve Tourism Association sign a protocol for the implementation of a regional strategy to host motorcaravanning.

Part of this regional strategy may well include better information, signage and more designated camping and parking areas. While many of those fined will have known they were breaking the law, in the past others have pointed out that there was no signage to registered camp sites, nor information saying what and where is legal and illegal.

This is an important part of the Algarve's tourism mix and the sooner a regional and coherent plan is put into action, the greater will be the numbers that follow the law.



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