First woman President for the AIRC

First woman President for the AIRCFounded in 2006, Almancil International Rotary Club (AIRC) was the first International Rotary Club in Portugal. Using English as the official language for meetings, the club soon attracted members from all over Europe and beyond.

On Wednesday evening at the Conrad Hotel, the club welcomed its first woman President, Uschi Kuhn.

Outgoing President José Galamba, and Uschi Kuhn Each year in June a new President is welcomed for the following year, generally at a formal event. On this occasion outgoing President José Galamba and Uschi Kuhn organised a spectacular evening with entertainment provided throughout by local singer Vernon Delauney. As a special surprise Uschi had commissioned friends to compose a Rotary song with music which was performed by an enthusiastic group of ‘volunteers’ supported by AIRC member José Miceli on trumpet.

José Galamba reported on the year’s fundraising activities which benefitted many local charities, including UNIR, ASCA, Casa do Sonhos, Banco Alimentar, and the Rotary Youth Exchange Scheme. An Ice Bucket Challenge organised by Uschi last year raised almost 1,000 euros which was used to provide a severely disabled sufferer of Motor Neurone disease with a specially adapted wheelchair which has changed her life.

The Rotary Cookery Competition encouraged young students from Algarve schools to show off their cooking skills with the finalists being given the opportunity to cook in a professional kitchen at the Conrad with the support of the General Manager Joachim Hartl and Executive Chef Andrew McGie.

José too had a surprise. In recognition of its work in the community, the President of Rotary International Gary C K Huang and District Governor António da Silva Mendes have awarded AIRC a Presidential Citation, an honour given to only 3 Rotary clubs in the Algarve.

In closing his part of the meeting, José thanked the many Rotarians and guests who had supported him throughout his Rotary year and wished Uschi a successful Presidency.

As is customary, Uschi then took over the meeting. She reported that the Rotary theme for this year is ‘Be a Gift to the World’. With this in mind, during her year she will be organising more fund-raising events in her usual colourful and enthusiastic style.

The evening ended with dancing and at the very end a very special and moving performance of Fado by José Galamba and his 89 year-old father Eugenio.

AIRC meets weekly at the Conrad Hotel. For more information on membership and future activities, please contact

The Rotary song which was performed by an enthusiastic group of ‘volunteers’