Albufeira to encourage tits in its parks

Tits to be encouragedAlbufeira council is to use tits to control kill off processionary caterpillars in public areas.

Yes, tits are to be encouraged in Albufeira’s forests and green spaces. These birds are the caterpillar’s foremost predator and remain unaffected by the poisonous hairs which the caterpillars shed when approached, causing rashes and breathing dissiculties for unlucky passers-by.

The caterpillars also damage the pine trees in which they nest and the council’s initiative to place nesting boxes in various areas of the county, will creating conditions for the effective increase in this bird species, and a reduction in these caterpillars.

The processionary caterpillar is a known defoliator of pines and other trees and is to be avoided when it nests or is on the move near places frequented by the public.

Their defense mechanism of shedding tiny hairs causes stinging and skin, eye and respiratory tract problems in humans and animals.

Albufeira’s Environment, Health and Urban Green Spaces division, in partnership with technicians from the Ria Formosa park, have developed an environmentally sustainable solution using these birds that inhabit all types forest and park, andjust love eating the problem.

"This is an innovative solution of environmental interest as it allows pest control through biological means. The project includes a series of studies by the technicians”, said councillor José Sequeira.