
Polis - 'Ria Formosa dredging is not suspended'

riaformosaThe central and eastern Ria Formosa dredging works planned by Polis Litoral Ria Formosa can go ahead, according to Loulé court, as this project is not included in the suspension of demolition work on the area’s islands.

Olhão council’s successful injunction halting the destruction of properties on the Ria Formosa islands under its care made unclear the legality of the dredging programme scheduled for the channels between the islands.

Polis Litoral Ria Formosa now has been informed that the court’s answer is that it can go ahead with the dredging, hopefully starting at the same time as the already authorised Faro to Olhão dredging starts later this month under a separate contract.

Polis magement says it is “pleased with the court's decision which is what we had hoped for and this clear statement that dredging is not suspended will allow us to progress with the project.”

Polis Ria Formosa took the opportunity to reinforce its position that the dredging has "fulfilled all legal requirements and has taken into account environmental issues and shows that Polis is developing projects that contribute to protect the Ria Formosa and to conserve a unique ecosystem of exceptional value."

This dredging work, long-awaited by local fishermen, represents a spend of €6.2 million which Polis says will be completed by the end of the year.

Faro council said earlier this week that the Faro to Olhão section will be dredged this month and also that the €1.2 million improvement works at Faro docks should be completed by the end of July, paid for by a EC contribution of €480 000 and a further €700 000 from the European Regional Development Fund through the Algarve21 Operational Programme.

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