
Matylda’s mettle let her roam free

cowAnyone remember the Tamworth Two? They were little piggies who escaped on their journey to a British abattoir and were on the run for about a week before they were apprehended.

A farmer in Poland has topped that adventure with his cow Matylda who managed to evade capture for a full two years.


Matylda got away in 2013 and after two harsh winters earned the reputation of being a “master of survival” among Polish media.

But her escapade was not so well appreciated by other local farmers who found their crops destroyed.

Matylda had taken cover in a local forest where she managed to look after herself.

Owner Leszek Zasada said he had deployed many tricks to catch her, but none prevailed. "We tried to chase her on horseback and also with dogs but it didn't work," he told Polish TV.

He also hired a vet to try to transquilise the animal, but this managed to "enrage her further," he said.

He was not alone as other farmers, tired of her antics, also laid snares in the forest.

Matylda had some legal protection as by law she could not be shot.

In the end, the simplest technique was the most effective.

"For a few days I tried courting the cow. I would bring her salt, apples and cabbage, and it worked."

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