Portugal among countries that “most request information on suspected terrorists”

Portugal among countries that “most request information on suspected terrorists”An annual report by Eurojust has shown that Portugal is among the European countries that most request information on suspected terrorists - with Spain, Germany and the UK, being the others.

Despite having a relatively low “subjacent” terrorist threat level, Portugal has been busy this year tracking national jihadists known to be fighting for Islamic State (CLICK HERE to read), Spanish terrorists (CLICK HERE to read) and the Dutch-Angolan found last year on a runway at Lisbon airport with a knife in his hand, writes Diário de Notícias.

Gima Her Calunga told authorities at the time that he had been at a training camp in Syria - but all the information had to be checked by DCIAP via Eurojust before he could be charged.

He has now been over a year in preventive custody and was finally charged earlier this month with adhesion and support of terrorist organisations and international terrorism, as well as with the attempted attack of a plane, possession of a weapon and trespass.

It was this case, and that involving the Portuguese jihadists active in Syria - now all the subject of international arrest warrants - that made up the bulk of Portugal’s contacts with Eurojust this year, reports DN.

Article courtesy of the Portugal Resident http://portugalresident.com/