Police investigation into Portuguese student’s death “open to all possibilities”

Police investigation into Portuguese student’s death “open to all possibilities”Police investigating the discovery of the body of missing Portuguese student Diogo Moreira near Brighton railway station have admitted that they have no idea at the moment how the 29-year-old died.

They are not even sure if his body had been lying at the foot of the ravine where it was found on Wednesday evening for all the time Diogo had been missing - as it still seems extraordinary that with so many people searching for clues for so many days, a body could have gone unnoticed.

The location, however, required police abseilers to mount the recovery, as it is a steep ravine running down from the main road into Brighton, ending right alongside the tracks at the town’s railway station.

Puzzling too is the fact that only a few metres away is the house where Diogo was last seen alive.

Thus, the circumstances surrounding the death of the young man from Espinho are being painstakingly pieced together before the case is presented to Brighton coroner’s office.

As Público explains today “possibly Diogo Moreira’s body was always there, throughout the days that friends, relatives and police conducted their desperate search”.

The paper adds that Diogo’s two brothers were in the nearby Olé Olé café, where Diogo used to work, coordinating plans for another day of searches when they received the devastating news that his body had been found.

The Facebook page that amassed over 14,000 members all hoping for a happy ending to the eight-day manhunt was closed down on Thursday after a poignant message saying a memorial walk would soon be held to “celebrate the memory of this wonderful person”.

Diogo went missing from the house where he had been staying the night in nearby Howards Place sometime on the night of Tuesday July 14.

Sussex police sent out an appeal for information four days later, saying Diogo’s disappearance was “completely out of character”.

Article courtesy of the Portugal Resident http://portugalresident.com/