
Missing Lagos Scot spotted at Chelsea match (+ update)

chelseaFCJon Anderson Edwards, who disappeared from Lagos, Algarve, eleven months ago, has been spotted by his mother in a photo taken on Wednesday at a Chelsea match in London.

Mrs Edwards has no doubt at all that the picture is that of her missing son, standing among supporters while watching the game against Fiorentina.

"My heart leapt and I have not been able to sleep. At least we can make some progress with this information. If it’s not him, it is someone who looks just like him," said Jon’s mother.

Lesley Edwards has started a new appeal in the media and on social networks asking Chelsea fans to help her find her boy.

Jon, 31, was last seen in Lagos in September 2014. His disappearance was notified to the local police by his employer who owned a nearby bar.

The reasons for Jon’s disappearance remains a mystery but may be related to a fall he had in which he may have sustained head injuries.

In the young Scot’s apartment police found his spare clothes, his wallet and documents. Lagos police did not have much to go on and have reported no progress in finding Jon’s whereabouts.

Mrs Edwards travelled to the Algarve but her enquiries yielded nothing. The British police made efforts to find her son but also drew a blank.

One of the main questions is how Jon, if it is Jon, got into the UK without his passport.



News on Saturday dashed Mrs Edwards' hopes as the sister of the man pictured at the Chelsea game confirmed that her brother had attended the match and did resemble the missing Scot, but it was not him.



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