The British Prime Minister David Cameron, currently on holiday in Monchique with his family, inadvertently highlighted the current nurses strike yesterday as he availed himself of the services of Portugal national health service.
The strikes seem to have affected the Algarve’s hospitals more than its outlying health centres where only five were affected. Cameron, who was suffering from a painful case of ‘politician’s ear’ found a fully staffed local clinic in Mochique where his complaint successfully was treated.
The brave Tory leader left his family by the pool as he sallied forth accompanied only by his security team and hopefully, his European Health Insurance Card.
In a superb example of Portuguese efficiency the PM was seen by a nurse within ten minutes and by Doctor Manuel Veloso ten minutes after that. The good doctor’s diagnosis was that Cameron was suffering from Otitis externa, or 'swimmer's ear' for which he was prescribed medication and told to stay at home for a day.
For those interested in the PM’s current condition as well as his choice of holiday footwear, 'Otitis externa is an inflammation of the outer ear. It is more common in hot and humid climates and five times more common in swimmers. It is most frequently seen in the 45-75 year-old age group.'
The Portuguese Nurses Union are at the end of three days of rolling strikes, finishing in the Algarve where the withdrawal of labour was guaranteed to have the most impact as the population is swollen with tourists.
The union leadership points to a strike percentage of 70 this time around and highlights the five Algarve health centers where all the nurses went on strike.
The union warning was that if by the end of week the Ministry of Health does not at least make some sort of effort to negotiate over conditions and wages, there will be more strikes and ‘new forms of struggle.’
The union already has booked a two day strike later this month, both outside the Algarve and both long after Cameron and his ear have gone back to the UK.