
Poker players gamble on Barcelona

pokerBarcelona has pushed so rapidly to become the poker capital of Europe, it has become second only in popularity to Las Vegas among the world’s top players.

The remarkable achievement comes only twelve years after the game was legalised in Catalonia.

The city is trying to become the first outside of the US to be part of the World Poker Tour.

A step along the way was the European Poker Tour Super High Roller tournament which took place over the last two weeks. Stakes opened at €50,000 but that did not put off at least 93 players.

During the course of the year 71 tournaments are held in Casino Barcelona. Some 4,000 players from 150 countries flock to the city.

The casino is in the architecturally stunning Hotel Arts which is right on a beach, although the action is confined to a basement room there.

Part of Barcelona’s planning was the opening of a croupier school in the casino itself, so has croupiers on tap unlike many other European cities. Learners there are obliged to study for 500 hours, divided between 300 on theory and 200 on practice.

Other hosts of the European Poker Tour include Prague, Dublin, Monaco and Malta.

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