Spain reels in record amounts of the tourist euro

spanishpropertyForeign tourists in Spain have spent more than ever before during the first six months of this year.

The record high amounted to €37.1 billion, according to the Tourist Expenditure Survey report.

More people than ever arrived in Spain to tour. Nearly 38 million visited, spending a daily average of €113 each.

As ever, the Brits were in the lead, making up about a quarter of visits, and their total outlay mounted to €7.58 billion. The Germans contributed the next greatest amount of euros, followed by the French.

American tourists, however, spent more than the European average, racking up an average of €161 per day.

The increased spending by greater tourist numbers will help Spain’s economic recovery, but opposition is growing to mass tourism in some of the nation’s top resorts.

Barcelona, for one, is considering measures to limit the number of people it receives. But the region, Catalonia, did earn the most in the six month period. Almost a quarter of all tourist euros were spent in the region, reaching a total of €8.5 billion.

At the other end of the scale, Magaluf is trying to regain respectability by passing new regulations to curb drunken excesses in public.