
Portuguese purchasing power is 8 times that of Moldovia

pensioner Portuguese purchasing power is still €3,000 below the European average.  Portugal occupies the 20th place in terms of per capita purchasing power in Europe, lying in the middle of the list of 42 countries surveyed by research firm GfK.

Each inhabitant has an annual purchasing power average of €10,018, about three thousand euros below the European average of €12,890.

The regional distribution is unbalanced with the inhabitants of Lisbon having an average of €14,145 - this contrasts with the inhabitants of Corvo in the Azores who only have €6,443, almost half the European average.

The study ‘GfK Purchasing Power Europe 2013/2014’ reveals that compared to the previous year Portugal rose one position on the European scale and is now ahead of Greece which is in 21st position, but is behind Italy (15th), Spain (17th), Cyprus (18th) and Malta (19th).

At the top of the table is Liechtenstein with a per capita annual purchase power of €58,844, almost six times that of Portugal and 4.5 times the European average. It follows Switzerland with €36,352 and Norway with €31,707.

Last is Moldavia with an annual buying power per capita of only €1,284, less than a tenth of the EU average.

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