Election result - coalition win for Pedro Passos Coelho

assemblyThe ruling coalition will win today’s general election but without an absolute majority.

The first counts are in and the projections give a clear victory to the Pedro Passos Coelho/ Paulo Portas (PSD/CDS-PP) coalition in Sunday’s 2015 election.

António Costa’s Socialist party came a close second but pundits are taken aback at the large rise in the number of votes for the Left Bloc which for the first time has more support than the CDU, a coalition between the Communist party and the Greens.

Projections put the ruling coalition with 36.4% to 40.2% of the vote according to exit surveys conducted by Eurosondagem.

Thus, PSD and CDS coalition should have a maximum of 108 MPs, which does not give them a majority.

The Socialist party will get between between 29.5% and 33.1% of the vote with the Left Bloc rising to become the third most voted for political party with 16-19 MPs.

The Algarve's MPs are as follows, with a special congratulations to João Vasconcelos, tirelss anti-tolls campaigner and Portimao councillor.

José Apolinário
José Carlos Barros
António Eusébio
João Vasconcelos
Cristóvão Norte
Jamila Madeira
Paulo Sá
Luís Graça
Teresa Caeiro


For a full national list, see:
