
Italy crowned world’s largest wine producer

vinesPositive wine production in Italy this year has catapulted the country into the world’s largest producer, according to data provided to the EU.

Italy’s projected wine production is up 13% greater than in 2014 for an output of 48.8 million hectolitres. This means that Italy will be responsible for producing 28% of all wines in Europe.

France, with 46.6 million, was pushed down to the second largest producer.

“The reason is simply climatic,” Denis Pantini of Wine Monitor said.

“Italy and France take turns to lead the rankings for the top wine producer in the world, but this year Italy’s harvest was more abundant and of better quality.”

Vineyards in France struggled with little rainfall and a heat wave. The areas of Beaujoliais and Bourgogne were among the worst affected.

In Italy, by contrast, benign weather brought in a copious harvest across the country.

Spain is likely to retain its position as third with 36.6 million hectolitres. Germany ranks fourth in Europe with 8.7 million.

Portugal is the fifth largest producer in the EU with 6.7 million. The UK trails last among the leading 18 EU producers, realising 470,000 hectolitres.

Exports of Italian wine are worth more than €5 billion.

Globally, the US, Argentina, Australia, South Africa, China and Chile traditionally fall between Spain and Germany producing from 25 million to 10 million hectolitres each.

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