
Lagos council soon to control its own waterfront

lagos2Lagos council has done a similar deal as Olhão with Docapesca and soon will have financial and managerial control of its own waterfront.

The Avenida Descrobrimentos along Lagos’ prime water frontage will now be managed by the council which now is in charge of licensing the commercial areas, setting the fees which will he ‘harmonised’,  and collecting the rents.

Until now the zone between the old bridge and the harbour entrance was managed by the docks authority with the council only able to look on as the rents went to Docapesca and the cost of maintaining the area was paid for out of council funds.

Revenues from licensing now will be split evenly between the two bodies which will compensate the council for its work in cleaning and maintaining the area, including care of the famous palm trees.

The new management agreement covering the commercial and leisure zones now needs approval by the Treasury and the Court of Auditors.


See also: http://www.algarvedailynews.com/news/6876-olhao-council-takes-control-of-its-waterfront

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