
Passos Coelho ‘fully expects’ to be sworn in as Portugal’s next Prime Minister

passoscoelho3The current coalition leader, Prime Minister Passos Coelho met the President of the Republic today and after a half hour session told reporters that for reasons of stability, he fully expects to be reappointed.

Passos Coelho said it was essential that he was appointed quickly as the current political hiatus is no good for anyone.

Having won the election with Paulo Portas as the Portugal Ahead coalition, Passsos Coelho said that even though he and Portas do not control a majority of seats in parliament, the coalition 'is a natural' for the next administration.

Coelho admitted he was expecting to be sworn in and said he believed his next term of office would be one of "predictability and stability," even though the Socialist party has yet to clarify its position.

Recalling that the coalition needs the socialists to get any legislation through parliament, Passos Coelho ‘regretted’ not having been able to receive clarification from socialist leader António Costa.

Nevertheless, the increasingly smug prime minister opined that he is convinced that the Socialist Party will not get in his way as it did come in second after all and it is important for those "who won and those who lost to ensure that there are conditions to govern."

As for linking up with minority parties such as the Left Bloc, Passos Coelho claimed that despite these parties "deserving all due respect," their political programmes are not compatible with the coalition's programme, “If they are not compatible we cannot pretend that there is policy match."

“Everyone must make concessions" concluded the PM, “but we can only talk to who's available to talk to," in a swipe at the socialist party leader who realised early on trying to do a deal with Portas and Passos Coelho was not a sensible way forward.

After her meeting with the President, the Left Bloc's Catarina Martins said that "nominating Passos Coelho as the next PM would be a waste of time" and the Bloc will present a rejection of the motion if this is what happens.

Referring to her negotiations with the Socialist Party, Martins said that "the conditions are created for a stable alternative that protects people, wages, employment and pensions."

"As far as we are concerned, the conditions are created for a government that does not include Passos Coelho and Paulo Portas," she added, noting that the Left Bloc alliance agreement will be "formalised within days."

If President Cavaco Silva nominates a Passos Coelho/Paulo Portas coalition to run the country, Martins said this would be "a waste of time."

The head of the Socialist Party, António Costa, said after his meeting that he offered the president conditions for his party to form a government and to ensure the country's stability for the next legislature.

This is with the support of the Communist Party and the Left Bloc.

This was the single message that Costa gave to the President of the Republic today.

It’s ‘make your mind up time’ for Cavaco Silva.


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