
Bent cops in MOT scam

pspTwo policemen were arrested last week for accepting bribes from drivers of vehicles which then were guaranteed to pass the annual safety inspection.

For €75 euros per car, the policemen arranged for the cars to pass the roadworthiness test and furthermore guaranteed that the driver would not be stopped at subsequent roadside police inspections.

The two policemen involved in this scam have been arrested and today were up before the judge.

The pair have been at liberty for a week awaiting trial and have been charged with accepting bribes, abuse of power and personal favoritism.

One of the suspended officers worked at the PSP headquarters and the other at the Lisbon Metropolitan Command. Unsurprisingly, they both were suspended from duties.

In addition to the two policemen, an MOT inspector was arrested and charged as it was he who arranged for the cars to be waved through the test and who issued the false certificates of approval for between €20 and €50 a time.

The scam has been going on at least since last June and last week’s arrests were carried out by colleagues from the Criminal Investigation Division of the PSP. House searches were made as well as raids on two inspection centers and a workshop.

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