
Danes set to vote on EU referendum

eumapDanes will vote in a referendum on Thursday over the country’s relationship with Europe.

The vote is whether or not Denmark should give up a number of EU opt-outs on justice and security. Currently the country has opted out of EU justice and home affairs legislation.

The question posed is if it should opt in, as do the UK and Ireland, to some but not all such legislation.

Many Danes feel that Brussels has encroached too far on these issues which had previously been viewed as areas for sovereign control.

The debate had led to discussion in the country about other areas such as border security, migration and the ability of the EU to govern itself.

Polls indicate the yes and no sides are running just about even.

The Danish referendum, which comes days before the UK’s negotiations over EU reform get underway, is being viewed as a confidence motion in the EU.

The yes side is being led by the Danish Prime Minister, Lars Lokke Rasmussen, and the no side by the eurosceptic Danish People’s Party. Both campaigns have been said to be using scaremongering slogans and adverts.

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