
Portuguese debtors take advantage of Social Security amnesty

eurozoneThe opportunity to settle Social Security debts and sharply reduce penalties owing has raked in €160 million in the 20 days since the scheme came into force.

The Ministry of Employment and Social Security said today that people had already requested €160 million’s worth of invoices and that many are therefore keen to settle their accounts with a huge boost in the last week.

"This is a process that is going well and it has been especially important to give the opportunity to companies to regularise their situations, continue their activities and keep jobs," added the Minister.

The exceptional debt settlement scheme "is for the settlement of debts to Social Security by paying off arrears with low penalties and interest.” Partial or complete amounts are accepted and there is a reduction in the amount of any fines due."

The measures will be in force until the 20th of December, and cover "various types of debt to Social Security, in particular where debts have not been passed for coercive collection.”

The same applies for debts to the taxman with a suitably high level of debtor interest.

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