
Portugal and Spain have most rigid working conditions in EU

spanishvillagebufaliSpain and Portugal have been credited with having the most restrictive working conditions in the European Union.

A new study has found that people in Spain have some of the longest and most inflexible working hours in Europe.

This is impacting on the work-life balance. Sixty per cent of Spaniards say the rigid hours are affecting family life while 80% say long hours are having a negative impact.

The study, “Reconciling work life and family life in Spain”, examined data from Spain’s National Statistics Institute, as well as the country’s Health Ministry and Eurostat.

It has encouraged the country to adopt more flexible ways of working, such as more elastic and parent-friendly hours and addressing the culture of being seen to stay late at the office.

Working remotely, as happens in many northern European countries, hardly exists in Spain. The study found that 92% “never work from home”.

"There is a clear lack of remote working culture in Spain which leaves us lagging behind in Europe, way behind countries such as Sweden, Luxembourg, the UK, Austria, France and Portugal," said Eduardo Hertfelder, president of the Institute for Family Policies which spearheaded the work.

The advent of start-up companies could begin to alter the work environment, but this could only ever be a slow process. But they are recognised for providing greater flexibility and autonomy for their workers.

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