
Britain welcomes Portuguese immigrants

britishmoneyThe UK continues to welcome the steady flow of Portuguese immigrants seeking work and a better standard of living than they feel is available in their homeland.

The numbers were up 22% between in the year to September 2015 according to the Department of Work and Pensions in the UK which is responsible for handing out National Insurance numbers to incoming workers.

Many more may be working without declaring their activity but generally the UK is the top destination within Europe for the Portuguese. The increase covers students as well, many of whom work part time or may have registered to claim benefits.

The DWP has responded to 34,145 Portuguese nationals who have asked a NI number, up by 6,099 increase compared with the 28,046 Portuguese who registered in the 12 months to September 2014.

NI numbers are issued to those working full or part time, the self-employed and to students or anyone wanting to claim benefits.

The number of Portuguese leaving their homeland has rocketed during the past years of ausetrity, an estimated 300,000 of which half say they have no plans to return.

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