
Man killed by exploding condom machine

condomsA man in the Münster area of Germany died on Christmas Day by being hit in the head by a piece of flying steel.

The 29-year-old man who has not been named together with two accomplices, aged 27 and 29, had attached a homemade bomb to the dispenser in an apparent attempt to steal the condoms and money inside.

The device detonated before the man could close his car door where he planned to shelter. The metal piece struck him on the head, rendering him unconscious.

He was taken to hospital where the accomplices first explained that he had injured himself by falling down some stairs.

Hospital staff, suspicious of the story, called the police.

Residents of the quiet street where the condom dispenser was had also called the police. Officers found condoms and coins scattered on the ground around the gutted vending machine.

One of the accomplices admitted under questioning that the three had blown up the machine which resulted in the death of their fellow conspirator.

The two survivors of the incident were arrested before later being released from custody.


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