
Portimão council to vote on joining Algarve's anti-oil movement

oilonshorerigPortimão’s Left Bloc councillors have presented a motion for discussion at assembly and want an end to prospecting and exploration for hydrocarbons in the Algarve.

Aiming to join Aljezur and Vila do Bispo councils, which already have voted against the oil companies exploration for gas and oil in the Algarve region and in the nearby sea, the Portimão Left Bloc have issued the following petition which sums up the local arguments:

"In today's times where renewable energy policies are intensifying, the Algarve advances in the opposite direction with the exploration for oil and natural gas and does not know the deal the State has cut for itself and for the Algarve.

The National Authority for the Fuel Market has granted prospecting and exploitation rights for hydrocarbons (oil and gas) in the Algarve, both on land and at sea;

On the ground, much of the Algarve territory is included and the Portfuel concessions in the area called ‘Aljezur’ covers part of the municipality of Portimão.

The boundaries of the offshore exploration block "Gamba" is only 5 nautical miles west of Cape St. Vincent, while the ‘Lagosta’ block is 9 miles south of Sagres.

As far as we know, there has not been any kind of environmental impact assessment carried out, which is at least strange, in the case of protected areas both nationally and at European level (PNSACV, SCIs and SPAs "West Coast" and PNRF "Ria Formosa").

5. This decision by the Government raises serious doubts as to its compliance with the various European directives relating to the sea, among others:. Marine Strategy Framework Directive (2008/56 / EC) for good environmental status of the marine environment, the Dir 2014 / 89 / EU to the MSP, or the Dir. 2006/113 / EC on the quality of water for shellfish and molluscs.

The decision does not take into account the economic impact on activities that support the regional and local economy, such as tourism, fishing or aquaculture, the strong negative impact and the possibility of an accident.

Nor was an evaluation done on the harmful impacts on the quality of life and the health of populations.

The entire process has not been conducted in a transparent way and the affected population has not been properly informed, nor have their elected representatives.

The exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons is based on an energy model that exacerbates climate change at a time when it is vital for the sustainability of human life on the planet to focus efforts and investments in the transition to clean energy.

According to the above, the Municipal Council of Portimão, meeting in regular session on December 16, 2015 determines as follows:

a) To express its total opposition to the exploration and exploitation of hydrocarbons in the Algarve, made under these conditions, without proper evaluations of their economic, social and environmental impacts, without public consultation and deserving of a regional referendum.

b) Send this motion to the Government of Portugal, in particular the Ministers of Economy and the Environment, to Parliament and its parliamentary groups, as well as national and regional Social Media.

Portimão, December 16, 2015.
The Municipal Group of the Left Bloc
Pedro Mota
Marco Pereira
Elvira Meco


Riding with the current groundswell of opinion, Portimão's Left Bloc are certain of a winner with this petition as the Algarve's mayors already have taken a stance against the exploration for oil and gas on and offshore in this region whose one industry is tourism.

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