
Full inquiry launched into fatal delay for Faro stroke victim

nurseThe General Inspectorate of Health Activities (IGAS) is monitoring the investigation set up by the Central Hospital of the Algarve’s management  to determine the circumstances surrounding the death of Faro patient Sr Sebastião Pereira.

The patient had suffered a stroke at Faro Hospital and was transferred to Hospital São José in Lisbon which refused to admit him.

Sr Pereira then was sent in an ambulance to Coimbra Hospital where he died on Monday.

The Central Hospital of the Algarve management under Dr Pedro Nunes said that all patient transfer standards had been met by his Faro team but that an investigation will take place.

Dr Nunes said that the transfer of patients and organised by the Emergency Patients Guidance Center (CODU) which will have arranged reception at the destination hospital.

The 74-year-old was in a coma in Coimbra, where he had been transported on December 15th, but the reasons for management refusing treatment in Lisbon have yet to be made clear.

Questioned on why Hospital São José in Lisbon did not refer the patient to a Hospital with the necessary specialist equipment, the hospital’s management have yet to offer an answer.


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