
Portugal's new President cancels State banquet to save costs

rebelodesousaIt is called ‘setting an example’ as Portugal’s new president opts for a low-cost ceremony without the attendance of foreign Heads of State and without the traditional State banquet.

Times are tough and Marcelo Rebelo de Sousa has decided that the March 9th ceremony will be cut to the bare necessities with only the President of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker confirmed on the guest list.

Juncker also has set up a meeting with Portugal’s new Prime Minister, António Costa so the Eurocrat cannot be accused of wasting the cost of the flight.

Ten years ago, when Cavaco Silva succeeded Jorge Sampaio as President of the Republic, several foreign dignitaries were invited with the United States represented by former president George Bush the Elder, Prince Felipe of Spain, today King Philip VI was there as was the former president of France, Giscard d 'Estaing alongside Xanana Gusmao, the East Timorese president.

Parsimonious President Marcelo has decided against the traditional state banquet in the Palace of Queluz, unlike Cavaco Silva’s banquet where 116 guests tucked in at the taxpayers’ expense.

"The first words and the first actions as president are good indicators that soon we will return to a less tense political climate with more dialogue between all the major State bodies," commented the President of the Assembly, Ferro Rodrigues.

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