
More women running Portugal’s top companies

unhappyworkerA new D&B study concludes that there are more women in top roles in Portugal’s companies. This is a positive trend, albeit a slow one.

Although men dominate the top jobs, the study found that women led 28.5% of Portugal’s companies at the end of last year.

‘Presence of women in business in Portugal,’ aimed to "draw a picture of the current situation and assess its evolution between 2011 and 2015.”

"Women account for 42.2% of the workforce of companies in Portugal and their presence has been strengthened in recent years in leadership and management positions," the report read, adding that "28.5% of companies in Portugal are led by women, up 5.2% since 2011."

The general director of D & B, thankfully a woman, Teresa Cardoso de Menezes, who is quoted in the commentary, "The study points to a positive trend, albeit slow, in all employment indicators, including management and women as leaders."

Another important conclusion is that there is a "higher proportion" of women at the top of the youngest companies. It is in startups (companies less than a year old) that there is a greater preponderance of women in management and leadership roles: 35.2% and 32.3%, respectively.

In companies with a turnover above €50 million, almost half of the workforce are women, but they "are poorly represented at the top with only 12.4% of management positions and 8.0% of leadership positions filled by women."

The highest concentration of women business leaders is service industries (36.5%), hotels and restaurants (32.5%) and retail (32.4%).

In banking, women represent 48.2% of the workforce, although not in the top jobs where less than 10% of companies are led by women.

It was also concluded that companies led by women tend to have more women employees, 5.8% vs. 40.3% in companies led by men.

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