
Left Bloc forces new vote on Via do Infante tolls

6272Portugal’s Left Bloc, led by its combative leader Catarina Martins, is forcing a vote to end to the tolls on the Algarve’s Via do Infante.

The opportunity to ditch the tolls, that have increased business costs across the region while forcing many drivers onto the wholly unsuitable ‘alternative’ EN 125, will come during the debaltes on the details of the 2016 State Budget, according to the Left Bloc’s local leadership in Faro.

"The current prime minister, during his election campaign, recognised that the EN125 'was a massacre' and accepted that the tolls on the Via do Infante should end," read the Left Bloc’s statement today, which added that "the time has come for promises be fulfilled and to end tolls in the Algarve."

For the Left Bloc, "Members of all political forces, which include those elected in the Algarve, once again will have the opportunity in the State Budget vote to show which side they are on: for the Algarve or against the Algarve."

The Left Bloc and the Portuguese Communist Party both have advocated the abolition of the Via do Infante tolls system and their leaders expect the Socialist Party to join them in voting to end the tolls.

The Users Committee of the Via do Infante Motorway (CUVI) argues that the EN125 is not an alternative to the motorway and that the economic effects of the toll scheme have been felt across the region and over the border in Andalucia with business costs rising, a rise in the death rate from accidents on the EN125 and tourism affected.
Since the general adoption of the 2016 State Budget on February 24th, its detail has been under discussion by the various parliamentary committees, with further debates scheduled for March 10, 14 and 15. The final vote is scheduled for March 16th at which point the Left Bloc vote about scrapping the tolls will take place.   

The Socialist Party is in power only due to the good will of the Communists and the Left Bloc and if this matter blows up into a fight, Prime Minister António Costa risks a vote of no confidence in his premiership, leading to another general election later this year.


Catarina Martins, leader of the Left Bloc

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