
State stands by as Silves city walls continue to collapse

silvestowerWith precisely nothing happening over the gradually collapsing city walls of Silves, an Algarve MP has asked the Ministry of Culture what it is proposing to do about the ‘urgent situation.’

Algarve MP Teresa Caeiro is aware of the Silves mayor’s concerns over the city wall which is at risk of collapse with some parts already sectioned off due to falling wall material.

Mayor Rosa Palma went public on March 21st saying the lack of financial support to carry out urgently needed work on the walls means that large sections will continue to deteriorate.

There has been no action since this date and if nothing is done, the wall will continue to collapse as it already has in places.

The council has a 2016 budget to fix one section of the wall but this is not enough to pay the cost of doing the whole job properly so it is necessary to obtain State funds through the Regional Directorate of Algarve Culture.

"In addition, there is a vagueness that has dragged on for years over who actually owns the wall: the State or the municipality, but in the meantime while this is cleared up, the wall continues to deteriorate" said MP Teresa Caeiro, stressing that the president of the council has classified this as an" emergency situation" and that "the Ministry of Culture needs to decide immediately on financial support," as this is "an urgent situation."

Silves Council's finances were left in disarray by outgoing mayor Isabel Soares and some State help is needed to repair this internationally famous structure which, along with Silves castle, helps bring tens of thousands of visitors to this inland city each year.



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