
Tax Workers Union start petition to ban use of tax havens

topsecretAn online petition has been launched in Portugal to halt the use of secret offshore tax havens

A petition called 'More taxation, less tax secrecy' has been launched by the Tax Workers Union whose members want to see an end to the use of tax havens, corruption and tax evasion, as well as promoting social justice.

Following the 'Panama Papers' revelations outlining details of schemes to harbour capitakl from Portugal in offshore accounts, the online petition aims to pressure the government and Parliament to adopt legislative measures to combat tax havens and to ensure justice and tax fairness for all of Portugal’s citizens and businesses.

The petition also calls for an increase in resources so that the Tax Authority is better equipped to track down those evading taxes and wants an end to tax secrecy in the fight for fairness.

"Over the last few years the Portuguese systematically have been confronted with cases of fraud and tax evasion, as well as corruption, which continuously depletes State coffers and undermines public confidence in the justice and the functioning of institutions," according to the petition text.

Figures from the Centre for Economics and Fraud Management are cited, showing estimates of the growth in the shadow economy to 26.81% of GDP, or €45.901 billion, in 2013.

"As evidenced by the Panama Papers, this situation widens the gap between rich and poor. One the one side are those that are able to 'escape' their obligations, putting income in tax havens and benefiting from tax planning schemes, and on the other are citizens and businesses who pay their taxes. To make up for tax evaders, those who pay taxes have to pay more and more to make up for those who do not.”

The petition says that the lack of State investment in solutions to combat tax evasion practices has been "ethically reprehensible".

The signatories claim that there is a lack of "political will to mobilise resources to confront evaders and to develop the legal frameworks necessary for a more effective fight against fraud and tax evasion."

The petition also decries the passivity of several countries, including Portugal, which live happily with the concept of tax havens" thus allowing tax dodgers to operate.


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