
Government ‘to analyse’ toll reductions on the Algarve’s motorway

4788The government is having a good look at reducing the toll charges on the Via do Infante motorway, according to local socialist MP António Eusébio.

In fact the whole socialist party “is working with the ministry in order to reduce the amount charged" or to put forward other measures such as "discounts for HGVs and during quiet times of the night and day."

The MP said that "something might even be done this year," but for now he would not commit himself to a deadline, after all, this was only an election promise by the sociaist prime minister.

In terms of revenue, the government will want to keep the tolls as high as possible this summer. This should be easy with toll revenues swollen by desperate drivers seeking refuge and solace on the A22 while avoiding the chaos of the EN125 where roadworks will be continuing through what is predicted to be the busiest tourist season for a decade.

Lisbon signed a disastrous deal for the Via do Infante which, many argue should not be tolled at all as it was 75% funded by the EU.

The concession holder, ultimately the Spanish company Ferrovial, has a guaranteed income from a mixture of tolls and government (aka taxpayer,) subsidies when traffic volume drops, which of course it did as soon as the road was tolled.

The Passos Coelho mantra of “user pays” means that the A22 driver pays, and then the Portuguese taxpayer pays to ensure the concession holder gets the stipulated income level.

Years later and now in power, the socialists’ promise to ‘look into things as soon as possible’ inspires little confidence.

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