
Last major armed group promises end of terror

flncRespite could be on the way for the people of Corsica as one of the island’s main militant groups has vowed to end “military operations” in October.

The National Liberation Front of Corsica (FLNC) has been seeking independence from France since 1976.  This group laid down its weapons two years ago.

But a splinter group of the underground separatists carried on. On Tuesday it issued a statement saying it would cease its armed campaign in October this year, in order to allow the island’s new assembly, led by nationalists, “to fulfil its mandate calmly”.

The militants, however, refused to forsake its arms.

“The end of military operations does not mean a laying down of weapons,” it added. "The farewell to arms will not be total until the return of political prisoners and the end of prosecution for all the wanted militants. Not before."

The groups has been demanding the recognition of the “national rights of the Corsican people,” including citizenship, language and culture.

Various separatist groups have been responsible for hundreds of attacks over the decades.

At least nine police officers have died as a result and the island’s top official, the prefect Claude Erignac, was assassinated.

The FNLC has been accused of armed robberies and extortion through so-called revolutionary taxes.

The Mediterranean island was conquered by the French in the 18th century and today it is sought after by tourists.

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