
Lagos city centre repairs timed to coincide with seasonal rise in tourism

lagos2Lagos council have taken the opportunity of good weather and an expected record number of tourists, to dig up the city centre.

Streets within the city walls of Lagos are being closed off for work as part of a slow moving plan that started in 2014 aimed at "improving the accessibility conditions in the intramural area."

The latest disruption will be in Rua da Oliveira, Rua 1º de Maio and Extrema e do Paço, with the usual work of re-laying water and sewage pipes, followed by the renovation of paving and replacement of street furniture.

These works are planned to continue until the end of June, a vague date which inevitably will overrun thus causing avoidable chaos and disruption in the centre of Lagos.

After the summer season the diggers will be back, if they ever leave, to dig up five more city centre roads.

It is not known why the council thought is necessary to authorise these major renovations at a time during whcih tourism will be close to its seasonal peak and local businesses will be relying on tourist spending to pay off their overdrafts.

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