
Sea Week in Lagos - green energy and Algarve caviare

oceanLagos council is hosting a clean environment, 'no oil please' conference with the launch of Sea Week, kicking off with a session on coastal zone management this coming Friday.

The council has announced a key seminar on the management of coastal zones, seas and oceans and the importance of the maritime economy to the Algarve with the council's mayor standing shoulder to shoulder with his colleagues at mayors group AMAL against regional oil and gas exploration.

There are several activities planned for Sea Week starting this Friday on European Sea Day, and ending on May 28th, designated as ‘Fishermen’s Day.’

The council’s statement read, "If the Fishermans Day seeks to recover our historical memory as a community, alluding to our collective heritage and customs, traditional economic activities and the ancient traditions linked to the sea, European Maritime Day calls us to face the challenges of the future."

In addition to the Friday seminar on coastal zone management, the European funding mechanisms and the challenges and problems of managing coastal areas, the programme of activities includes 'showcooking' on Saturday in the municipal market, and visits to the city’s ports, docks and marina.

Other seminar topics include,

- Sustainability Energy Production of Tides: case studies by Andrew Pacheco (CIMA, University of the Algarve);

- SPAROS - applying scientific knowledge in the industrial sector by Wilson Pinto (SPAROS);

- Portugal Caviar: History of development of sturgeon aquaculture project in a country by the sea by Pedro Paulo (Portugal Caviar);

- Hugo Barros (CRIA, Division of Entrepreneurship and Technology Transfer, University of Algarve).

European Maritime Day is the annual meeting point for Europe’s maritime community to network, discuss, and forge joint action.

Its ninth edition will take place in Turku, Finland and will provide strong input to shape future policies and the practical steps needed to drive innovation and change in the blue economy and the wider maritime policy agenda.

The conference will focus on smart and sustainable solutions for blue growth, ocean governance, clean energy and maritime skills development and it will look at tools to facilitate joint action.

Lagos will be doing much the same.


For the blurb, see: http://www.cm-lagos.pt/portal_autarquico/lagos/v_pt-PT/pagina_inicial/noticias/semana_mar_20160517.htm

For the programme, see: http://www.cm-lagos.pt/NR/rdonlyres/F70AA684-B70B-4AFB-9110-733E0F31D772/0/PROGRAMASEMANAdoMAR.pdf

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