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EN125, Thursday 23rd July - "one dead and five injured"

crashThere are two accidents on the EN125 to report today, one of them near Lagos and the other near the Algarve Shopping centre at Guia.

“One dead and five injured” according to the police. The first accident was at 06:26 this morning in the Chinicato area near the Lagos aerodrome when a car and an EVA bus collided.

The woman driver of the car, said to be in her 50s, was trapped and had to be cut free by firemen. She died of her injuries on her way to hospital in Portimão.

The driver of the bus, which was not carrying passengers, was uninjured but in shock.

The second accident, involving a transfer minivan from the Greenbus company and a passenger car, happened at 11:45 on the EN125 opposite the Giga Garden Centre.

Five were injured with two being transported to Faro Hospital and three to the Albufeira health centre.

The accident caused long queues on an already busy EN125 as the road had to be cut off while the Albufeira bombeiros, the Red Cross, the emergency ambulance service and the GNR sorted out the mess.

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+5 #1 Charly 2016-06-23 21:30
Greenbus and Yellow Fish drivers often think they are driving "priority vehicules" and as such they highly neglect driving rules and security rules.
Specially on the A22 in the direction Faro to Portimão I am scared when I see these guys driving with a car filled up with tourists driving at 140 or even 160 km/hour. The Yellow Fishes are definitely the worst as mostly they drive old to very old cars....

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