
EU searches for “new impulse”

merkelThe leaders of Germany, France and Italy said they will go for “a new impulse” for the European Union in the wake of the Brexit vote.

The three leaders said they would push for greater cooperation on security issues, including "developing our European defence and taking necessary engagements on joint operations".

Chancellor Merkel vowed that the remaining 27 nations of the EU would continue the European project. “We will suggest to our colleagues that we should put in place a new impulse...in the coming months,” she said.

She encouraged the search for a new collective thrust for ways to cooperate in areas such as “defence, growth, jobs and competitiveness”.

The focus should be on internal and external security, counter-terrorism and protecting the EU's external borders, she said, adding that "a second focus is on the economy, growth and competitiveness".

Italy’s Matteo Renzi said that "it is clear that we have to respect the sovereign decision of the British people but at the same time, there has to be a strategy for the months to come".

"We are a big family and we need to reassure the members of the family. But there is also a great need to remodel the European project in the coming years... Things need to move forward."

Europe must "keep its promise on delivering prosperity to its citizens", the leaders’ statement said.

Therefore, eurozone nations should "take new steps if necessary to reinforce growth, competitiveness, employment, and convergence including in the social and fiscal areas".

A key target group would be to reduce massive youth unemployment in several EU nations, they said, stressing that "Europe would not succeed unless it gives hope to its youth".

The proposed reforms would be the subject of a summit meeting in September with a view to the implementing them within six months.

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