
Deeper sanctions imposed for olive oil scams in Italy

olivesHefty fines have been handed out in Italy for labelling inferior olive oil as “extra virgin”.

Discount grocer Lidl was fined €550,000 by Italy’s antitrust authority. Lidl’s Primadonna brand was reported to have been labelled incorrectly.

Spanish company Deoleo, owners of the popular Bertolli brand, was charged €300,000 for branding duplicity. Some of its Bertolli, Sasso and Carapelli extra virgin oils were discovered to be lower quality virgin olive oil.

In 2015, an Italian consumer magazine analysed the extra virgin olive oil advertised on the labels of 20 popular brands. Of these, nine were discovered to be inferior quality.

This led to a clampdown in order to protect the value and reputation of Italian olive oils.

The penalties for false or misleading labelling were raised significantly this month. Sanctions can reach up to €15,000 for each breach whereas previously the maximum was €2,500.

Another law has introduced higher penalties for using images which falsely imply the olives had originated in a specific area.

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